(818) 710-9742




As a director, writer, photographer, or if you would like Richard to help you strategize, develop, and produce your project, he is available for ethnographic, documentary, advertising, branding, corporate, entertainment, editorial, and journalistic assignments.


Production office: 818-710-9742


Some of the companies Richard has worked with

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“Are You Guys Communists?”

From the archives of Project 365 I’d asked for the fourth time, “Who is playing on the stereo?” He said, “If you ask me again, I’m going to punch you!” Sitting in the car engrossed in my entry, I had asked my friend Michaelbrent (he was driving) the same questing four times in ten minutes. Some

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Day 256: Hey, I’m a teenager, I don’t know everything

[ From the Archives of 365 ] ““If life were perfect, then everything would suck and there would be nothing to learn.” I get into a sidewalk discussion with a couple of unknown neighbors. Denise (not pictured) loves the 365 project. “You should interview my sixteen-year-old son, he always has something to say.” Five minutes later,

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Day 360: Happy Belly Button Day

[ From the Archives of 365 ] Everybody is born into this world with nothing. Now when you get into the world… it’s a cold cruel world, and unless someone gets the right nurturing from a mother and a father, they are going to go haywire. At a pace that is difficult to keep up

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“Really Listen”

From the archives of Project 365 “My kids like to talk to me, it’s an open-ended dialogue. I’ve learned to not dismiss their thoughts or try to redirect them into what I want to hear.” For fifty-five days I had openly written about my life, my journeys, and the people I met. Months with much

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Day 348: The gentle giant

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I’d tell everybody to treat each other like you want to be treated. There are a lot of different people in the world, but still, we are cut from the same cloth. We’re people. We’re human. It’s not about ethnicity. Even though the world sees it that way.

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Day 282: Nice Hat

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “We should never prejudge anyone, not by color, not religion, not by where we come from. Just be good people, the rest will come from self.” Yup, The world is an awesome planet! So, I’m driving down the street and when arriving at a stop sign I notice

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Day 91: The Power of One

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “My goal is to inspire those who have chosen mediocrity out of fear to reach beyond themselves…way past their comfort zone into a life of adventure and meaning.” The social network has made the world a much smaller planet. Hold that thought for later, but for now, I’m

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Day 010: Fifteen Years of Passion

[ From the Archives of 365 ] Whatever You Promote—You Deliver Sunday afternoon, my day for spiritual worship and family time. I’m sure many of us covet this day to refill our wells for the week to come. 10 days into 365 and Sundays are already becoming the hardest day to get my butt moving.

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Day 81: United We Stand

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Live life to the fullest. It is for living. Don’t be afraid to do things at the spur of the moment, by the seat of your pants. Let’s go! Let’s do it!” Stage moms of the world, take note…here is one of the best! Today I’m casting to

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Day 002: Driving Forward

[ From the Archives of 365 ] Today’s entry: Travel log style. 11:30 am: Early lunch with family. Almost decide to shoot Chef Abraham (owner of the restaruant where I had lunch). Discouraged by the lunch rush, I pass on the prospect. 1:00 pm: Frys Electronics, Kill two birds with one stone. How? Buy a wireless keypad

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Day 147: They Think I’m a Paparazzi

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I’d like to see the world become closer to being in unity. People loving each other, respecting all as one family. Back to the ways things used to be, helping each other, not that we have too, but because we want to.” It’s been a while since I’ve given you an outlined

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Day 003: Alyshia

[ From the Archives of 365 ] What? Who? Ozzie Nelson?! So here I am, casing the neighborhood and feeling strangely like Ozzie going to borrow a cup of sugar for Harriet. No not Ozzy Osborn, but Ozzie Nelson. If you don’t know the sitcom, Ozzie and Harriet were the ideal TV family and ran on ABC from October

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Day 18: How Was Your Day?

[ From the Archives of 365 ] How Was Your Day? Quite a day today. I won’t go into details, but one note to share. I’ve been telling everyone about 365. A few ask me, “Why are you doing this?” There are two general answers: First, “Loving meeting people and am learning a tremendous amount

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The Tinkerer

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Find something you love to do, and, if you can make a living at it, good for you!” Smart is an understatement for describing entrepreneur, Curt. A master mechanical engineer, with the credentials to prove it: Cisco Systems, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, and a who’s who list of

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Day 292: What If We Pay More Attention?

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “My agenda is me first… which is probably quite similar to the rest of the human race.” I’ll not lie. From the beginning of 365 I promised you that I would do my best to describe my feelings in one way or the other. And I have to

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