(818) 710-9742




As a director, writer, photographer, or if you would like Richard to help you strategize, develop, and produce your project, he is available for ethnographic, documentary, advertising, branding, corporate, entertainment, editorial, and journalistic assignments.


Production office: 818-710-9742


Some of the companies Richard has worked with

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Day 18: How Was Your Day?

[ From the Archives of 365 ] How Was Your Day? Quite a day today. I won’t go into details, but one note to share. I’ve been telling everyone about 365. A few ask me, “Why are you doing this?” There are two general answers: First, “Loving meeting people and am learning a tremendous amount

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The Tinkerer

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Find something you love to do, and, if you can make a living at it, good for you!” Smart is an understatement for describing entrepreneur, Curt. A master mechanical engineer, with the credentials to prove it: Cisco Systems, Lockheed Martin Space Systems, and a who’s who list of

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Day 282: Nice Hat

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “We should never prejudge anyone, not by color, not religion, not by where we come from. Just be good people, the rest will come from self.” Yup, The world is an awesome planet! So, I’m driving down the street and when arriving at a stop sign I notice

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Day 70: Clean, Fluffy, and Good Smelling

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I want everyone to have a nice-looking, clean, fluffy, good-smelling dog.” The words my husband, Richard, sprang on me that morning. “I’m cheating.” He told me as the dog groomer called to confirm our appointment, “I just couldn’t help myself. I asked her if she would be my

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Day 123: To Walk With Them As the Same

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “In high school, my career counselor told me that my tests showed that I had a propensity towards being a teacher, pastor, or someone sharing a message.” Dinner is in one hour and I decide to take a short evening stroll. Just need a little time of introspection

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Day 24: If it’s nude, I’ll be there!

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “If it’s nude, I’ll be there!” Unbelievable! I actually found a couple of hours to relax poolside. An unexpected bonus seeing that, as I was at the beginning of a one-week workshop I was presenting to JPAC (Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command) at Pearl Harbor, was a moment that

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Day 99: Treat the Planet Right

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I’m tired of the little gestures. If we are going to change, we have to do more, get involved, and educate ourselves. It is amazing how little knowledge our current people know about the environmental impact of industry and population.” Out on a Saturday road trip with my

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Day 256: Hey, I’m a teenager, I don’t know everything

[ From the Archives of 365 ] ““If life were perfect, then everything would suck and there would be nothing to learn.” I get into a sidewalk discussion with a couple of unknown neighbors. Denise (not pictured) loves the 365 project. “You should interview my sixteen-year-old son, he always has something to say.” Five minutes later,

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Day 012: The World Is The World

[ From the Archives of 365 ] He says, “People are generally good and change is possible.” Tonight my wife and I go for an evening drive. I’m slowly sucking her into my daily routine of meeting new people. We end up stopping at Warner Center Park, just a couple of miles from our home.

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Day 56: By Chance…or Not

[ From the Archives of 365 ]  “I’ll have no house. I’ll have no stability, and will be traveling—meeting crazy people. Routine and all that crap annoy me.” Please believe me as I tell you that I am not going yogi on you with the metaphysical. But I have to tell you this 365 thing

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Day 004: Fish Out Of Water

[ From the Archives of 365 ] Saved by Francis The Key Guy Take one middle-class Caucasian man, dressed him like a college golfer; put him in a very diverse Spanish-speaking park; place a camera around his neck, and put some paperwork in his hand. Then have him loiter around the teen center – at

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Day 006: The Book of James

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Let The Love Come to You” Day 6, almost one week into 365. Only 359 days to go. The good thing is, so far my family is on board. Tonight my daughter and I pass Taft High on our way home from dinner out with a friend. In

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Day 009: Less Violence, More Fixies

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Biking keeps us out of trouble, you know, drugs and stuff.” Vincent and Angel, Age 18 – sponsored riders: JB Bike Shop #2  Went for a walk today and, strolling down Sherman Way in Canoga Park, I came across a cool little bike shop, J.B Bike Shop #2.

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With Peace and Power

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Learning. Making more things, and not being intimidated to show my work.” Pointing to a shopping center studio, my daughter pushed, “we have to go in, there is your person to interview.” I’m telling you, out of the mouth of children does inspiration flow. The windows were covered

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Day 78: It’s Never Too Late

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Save your money. Invest it on classic things and your education. Stay away from the trendy, it will only take it away from you and leave you with nothing to show.” The tribute to the future continues with Monica. I meet her this evening while enjoying a night

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“It’s Totally Rad”

From the archives of Project 365 …more than an emerging artisan; she was a community activist. It was a Saturday afternoon. Fifty-one days since my commitment to interview a stranger and publish a story for 365 consecutive days. Lucky that my family had been patient toward a project that was still in its infancy as

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