Code of Conduct

The mission of Sidewalk Ghosts is to cultivate constructive dialogues and actions between people of all cultures and mindsets. It is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, and non-governmental outreach that does not engage in lobbying and holds the highest regard for the worth of every individual.

Through outreach, media presence, publishing, and the use of technology, Sidewalk Ghosts aim is to stimulate positive social exchange, community service, and humanitarian efforts between individuals, communities, corporations, educational institutions, and like-minded non-profit organizations or entities.

We believe that localized efforts can stimulate global results. Our advocacy is structured around three core principles:

1. Strengthening Connections

We strengthen links between people of all diversities by creating and maintaining open and easily accessible sources of communication.

2. Inspiring Empathy and Solutions

Through outreach, we advocate for solutions to civic, social, and humanitarian issues.

3. Gather Communities

Through the use of media, digital channels, and traditional advocacy, we push to organize outreach and awareness programs that promote acts of compassion, community service, humanitarian efforts, and charitable works within local communities.

Our Values

We honor differences and respect the individual worth of each person. We do not tolerate any form of discrimination, including but not limited to age, sex, race, color, creed, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, attraction, gender identity, national origin, citizenship, political viewpoints, disability, marital status, or any other legally recognized protected category under federal, state, or local laws, regulations, or ordinances.

Promoting Constructive Dialogue

We believe that disagreement is natural and that our differences make us richer. However, we expect mutual respect in all exchanges and opinions. It’s acceptable to discontinue a discussion, but personal attacks are not tolerated. Please use good judgment in choosing what you share, the tone you use, and how you respond to differing opinions, lifestyles, value systems, or cultures.

Respecting Each Other

We believe that we truly learn from one another. We do not condone slander, rage, prejudice, or any action that could harm, embarrass, or devalue another person or group. Please avoid using ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenities, or defamatory language. Do not engage in conduct that disregards the rights of others or promotes violence, political agendas, commercial objectives, or harm toward others.

Think About Consequences

Imagine you’re sitting on a park bench, and a stranger intentionally insults you—poking at your beliefs, family history, or insecurities, or even threatening your safety. Using your public voice or actions to attack, belittle, or control another person is not acceptable.

If you share something that’s untrue or harmful, take responsibility and apologize.

Respect Copyright and Privacy

If it’s not yours, don’t use it. It’s that simple. Sharing someone else’s material without permission is not acceptable. Before posting someone else’s work, check with the owner first.

Although we encourage you to openly and honestly share your thoughts, ideas, pictures, videos, and links through our channels and outreach programs, we ask that you use discretion. What you put out there stays out there for a very long time. Emotions can run high—please consider your words carefully before sharing or responding.

Act Responsibly and Ethically

When participating in online exchanges, do not misrepresent yourself. If you are not a vice president, don’t say you are.

Please, NO SPAM.

Be Aware of Perception

If you reference a source or share a viewpoint on one side of a debate, do so with consideration for the other side. Understand that others may view your participation in a group, debate, or issue as an endorsement of its views. Please be responsible in examining your motives and your ability to constructively contribute before you share.

Protect One Another

At all times, in all places, through all words and actions—protect and respect one another.

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