From the archives of Project 365

“Too many people turn a blind eye to the negative. There is a lot of messed up stuff in the world. People can do more that just watch the news or be fans of organizations helping others. They can get up and do something about it. I’m not saying they have to give a ton of money. I certainly can’t. But they need to at least realize, not everyone has the opportunity or courage to share a voice. So don’t choose to be silent, make your voice heard.”

“Persevere, don’t accept anything less than what you want.” Words right out of the mouth of musician and manager of a prominent Los Angeles rehearsal stage, Brian.

What hit me like a ton of bricks about Brian: He was all about balanced living. A message he consistently shared throughout our time together; which, by the way, happened fairly quickly as we hung out at said rehearsal facility.

It all began as he checked rehearsal room schedules from behind the front counter, where in less than three minutes, we took a few photos. An experience that not only showcased to me just how chill Brian was but as we casually chatted, also opened my eyes to how much he had to say about life and society.

I dropped my walls, “For the last week I have had a feeling that I needed to visit this studio. So tonight, I’ve listened to it and that’s why I’m here. I have an intuition that is telling me, you have things to say that are in sync with the message other people have shared thus far.” He nodded his approval.

_L2R4134I started our interview by asking Brian about his tats. “They are a tribute to Johnny Cash, he inspires me. I can relate to the man in black.” Further noting how he respected Cash’s life and the obstacles the man had overcome. “For me, black is the color of hope.”

“A lot of people look at black as a negative, but I look at it as a beginning. You have to appreciate that no matter what is happening, good or bad, things will always get better. To me, black is a starting point.”

Brian was tremendously optimistic, a real contrast against his use of black as a banner color. With an extremely positive outlook on some pretty tough circumstances, he gave me a brief history of his challenges and wishes for the world. “Two years ago I lost my job, my band and my place of living, all at the same time. I reacted, asking myself, “What the hell do I do now!” It hit him hard, but only for a minute.

“But as I calmed, there was really only one thing I could do: Keep Truckin!

Brian was incredibly interesting to talk with, his tone was calm and comfortingly dark (I know, comfortingly dark? how can that be? It just was) and his messages were meaningful– even evangelic in a really good way.


“Too many people turn a blind eye to the negative. There is a lot of messed up stuff in the world. People can do more than just watch the news or be fans of organizations helping others. They can get up and do something about it. I’m not saying they have to give a ton of money. I certainly can’t. But they need to at least realize, not everyone has the opportunity or courage to share a voice. So don’t choose to be silent, make your voice heard.”

Brian was not a radical. He was just concerned. Concerned for the future of society and wanted to do his part in making the world a better place for the coming generations. I knew he was honest and passionate in his plea when he went on to tell me of where he wanted to be in ten years. “Happy and with a family.”

Brian was not motivated by the quest for musical fame, or riches, or popularity. “In my music, if I can get anyone to escape from a daily grind for a minute, I’ve done my job,” He quoted.

“What’s important to me are my personal freedoms and I’ll tell anyone this, don’t accept anyone influencing what you can say, how you should feel, and most definitely what you want.”

Radical words? Maybe for some. But again, Brian was no radical, just a creative guy working two jobs to stand true in using his talents for good.


“Persevere, don’t accept anything less than what you want.” A call to action presented by a very humble author, Brian. Who with no quest for wealth, power, influence or popularity, had given an extremely relevant one-liner. An anthem with the depth to propel a very healthy life perspective, as elaborated by him, “Be who you are, follow the path that brings you joy and be strong enough to figure out how to support yourself in going for it.”

My translation, Share what you have, work hard to provide, and in all you do, strive to inspire others to do the same.

He quoted, “At the end of the day, the only one you let down is yourself.”

Brian, all I can say is, Keep Truckin!

Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone else in the world.

Every moment of every day… your individual impact truly does matter to someone
else in the world.

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