How It Began

The roots of Sidewalk Ghosts were planted September 2011, when as my life hit a painful set of obstacles, I began blogging a series of daily essays, portraits, and videos based on my interviewing 1000s of absolute strangers. Hundreds of consecutive days that, no matter what was going on in the world, how I felt, or where I was, I journaled the hope, hurt and wisdom shared to me by 1000s of diverse individuals – I called it Project 365.

In it, a profound and far-reaching call to action was gifted to me. A premise proven as 1000s more from around the globe saw the faces of, listened to, and responded to the experiences, challenges, and stories of the absolute strangers I met.

People I did not even know, who by their responding to these stories and published words of diverse strangers, stood as evidence there are many who genuinely desire to know their neighbor better. I call them the compassionate majority.

A majority who appreciate the diversity of perspective and lifestyle; objective enough to quietly contribute to their communities and relationships; wise enough to look beyond race, creed, outlook, gender, age, attraction, and religion; disciplined and loving enough to, whether in agreement or disagreement, live by a constructive code of conduct.

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From the Project 365 archives

So it is to this diverse majority of compassionate ones, I am ever grateful. For they have taught me that by opening our eyes, ears, and hearts toward one another, we can lighten the burdens we might be carrying. To more clearly see through the ghosts that divide us and beyond the barriers we are facing. Able to find peace and focus in harnessing the best of who we are, and best of all, to more fully trust ourselves in knowing just how far our individual influence can touch the world around us. Welcome to Sidewalk Ghosts, my friends.

How It Began

The roots of Sidewalk Ghosts were planted September 2011, when as my life hit a painful set of obstacles, I began blogging a series of daily essays, portraits, and videos based on my interviewing 1000s of absolute strangers. Hundreds of consecutive days that, no matter what was going on in the world, how I felt, or where I was, I journaled the hope, hurt and wisdom shared to me by 1000s of diverse individuals – I called it Project 365.

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From the Project 365 Archives

So it is to this diverse majority of compassionate ones, I am most grateful. For they have taught me that by opening our eyes, ears, and hearts, we can lighten any barriers we might be carrying. And as we do, to more clearly see through the ghosts that divide us, to be able to find peace and focus in harnessing the best of who we are, and to trust ourselves in knowing just how far our individual influence can reach. Welcome to Sidewalk Ghosts, my friends.

In it, a profound and far-reaching call-to-action had been gifted to me. A premise proven as 1000s more from around the globe saw the faces of, listened to, and responded to the experiences, challenges, and stories of absolute strangers I published.

People I did not even know, who by their responding to these stories and published words of diverse strangers, stood as evidence there are many who genuinely desire to better know their neighbor. I call them the compassionate majority.

A majority who appreciate diversity of perspective and  lifestyle; objective enough to quietly contribute to their communities and relationships; wise enough to look beyond race, creed, outlook, gender, age, attraction, religion; disciplined and loving enough to, whether in agreement or disagreement, to live by a constructive code of conduct.

So it is to this diverse majority of compassionate ones, I am most grateful. For they have taught me that by opening our eyes, ears, and hearts, we can lighten any barriers we might be carrying. And as we do, to more clearly see through the ghosts that divide us, to be able to find peace and focus in harnessing the best of who we are, and to trust ourselves in knowing just how far our individual influence can reach. Welcome to Sidewalk Ghosts, my friends.

Project 365 Archives

Day 106: Life is Like a Buffet

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Working at Walmart, and with the holidays, I see this every year. People fighting over plastic junk, junk that is only to be returned the next morning.” “Life is like a buffet, there is something for everyone.”  Good words to hear as I heal from last night’s pre-holiday

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Day 172: There is Greatness In All of Us

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I’m studying to be a dentist, and as soon as I finish my education, I intend to return to Cambodia, where I plan to help the poor and the sick, and more importantly, do all I can to stop sex trafficking.” After last night’s quarter tank of fuel

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Day 99: Treat the Planet Right

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I’m tired of the little gestures. If we are going to change, we have to do more, get involved, and educate ourselves. It is amazing how little knowledge our current people know about the environmental impact of industry and population.” Out on a Saturday road trip with my

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Day 56: By Chance…or Not

[ From the Archives of 365 ]  “I’ll have no house. I’ll have no stability, and will be traveling—meeting crazy people. Routine and all that crap annoy me.” Please believe me as I tell you that I am not going yogi on you with the metaphysical. But I have to tell you this 365 thing

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Day 78: It’s Never Too Late

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Save your money. Invest it on classic things and your education. Stay away from the trendy, it will only take it away from you and leave you with nothing to show.” The tribute to the future continues with Monica. I meet her this evening while enjoying a night

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Day 321: Nothing is Impossible

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Within fifty years, humans are going to be cross-engineered with machine and technology. We are going to become neo-human being type… half-human, half machine. But even if we don’t go that far, I think we will be able to have the processing power of computers within us.” It’s

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Day 81: United We Stand

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “Live life to the fullest. It is for living. Don’t be afraid to do things at the spur of the moment, by the seat of your pants. Let’s go! Let’s do it!” Stage moms of the world, take note…here is one of the best! Today I’m casting to

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Day 229: It’s All About Balance

[ From the Archives of 365 ] Add Your Heading Text Here It’s not often that one of our new friends takes the time to promptly email us their words. And today is just one of the instances. With that, it would be completely wrong for me to edit or rewrite in any way. So

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Day 517: …and to Be Seen

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “To truly love someone you need to truly see them for who they are. Honest, bare, and raw; and we need to be able to acknowledge the humanity in that; that we are all just as human and imperfect as the next person, and to feel a connection

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Day 234: Pappy

[ From the Archives of 365 ]  “I used to have no remorse for anybody. I’d do anything, anytime… and with no questions. They called me Suicide. I’m not that person anymore.”  “I used to have no remorse for anybody. I’d do anything, anytime… and with no questions. They called me Suicide. I’m not that

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Day 170: Anarchy Scares Me

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “It is kind of scary seeing what is happening, but in this is the age of information, we can create a domino effect in getting the word out, to open people’s eyes. We have the ability to stir up the pot.” Let us keep moving forward in our

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Day 18: How Was Your Day?

[ From the Archives of 365 ] How Was Your Day? Quite a day today. I won’t go into details, but one note to share. I’ve been telling everyone about 365. A few ask me, “Why are you doing this?” There are two general answers: First, “Loving meeting people and am learning a tremendous amount

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Day 91: The Power of One

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “My goal is to inspire those who have chosen mediocrity out of fear to reach beyond themselves…way past their comfort zone into a life of adventure and meaning.” The social network has made the world a much smaller planet. Hold that thought for later, but for now, I’m

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Day 135: Teach a Man to Fish

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “My life is dedicated to giving people a second chance at a responsible life. From ex-convicts to recovering addicts to whatever, it does not matter; I want to help them.”  There is no other way to start today’s entry other than just getting to the point. But for

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Day 189: The Future of Genius

[ From the Archives of 365 ] “I’d like to see a future where education is more accessible and affordable, and a people who have a greater appreciation for each other, art and nostalgia.” “We have to learn to shake off society. There are always going to be battles, the world is just that way.

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Day 128: Random Act of Kindness

[ From the Archives of 365 ] Be courageous. Look at your life, but do not reflect on it. Lean on your experiences, education, spirituality, and conscience to make your decisions, and once made, constantly listen to your self-voice and be strong and humble enough to follow your own inspiration.” “Be present and mindful. Not

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