Subscribers, we have come a long way together. And, as I am starting to see familiar friends beginning to comment and like our posts, my heart is deeply warmed. You have to know that your reinforcement of our efforts carries deep meaning and keeps us going. They stand as strong beacons of the fact that we, as unique and geographically divided as we are, have the potential to create a socially relevant movement that can have great, lasting and positive impact on society as a whole.
For those of you just joining us, we welcome you to our culture… this is magnificent and growing community of diversity, one that I take no claim for, other than starting the blog quest in 2011 that got this whole ball rolling.
And now, as we reach the apex of our two-year anniversary, I am hooked to do all that I can to keep us moving forward. It’s been an amazing journey thus far, and I’m doing my best to keep up with it. Yet still, I must admit, there are times it gets a little tiring. Not so much because of any lack of interest or motivation. But rather by an overwhelming desire to see us become a global community of people doing all that we can to better the world around us.
I’ll admit, we are in our infancy of what we can accomplish; but, I must also say that our mission is pretty straightforward: Simply, to unite as many people as we can in building bridges of understanding. As this mission grows it therefore becomes our mantra of sorts. I have to ask you to be patient with my endless repetition in reviewing our mission statement, just can’t get it out of my mind (especially at this late evening, sleep deprived state of emotional brain work).

For that I do apologize, but with reason. It just took longer than I anticipated to create and launch the new site. There are still things that we are working on, and I’m certain that we will continue to evolve not only as a community, but also with our technology. The good new is, we are to the point where we will not go down again and are almost settled in most of our functionality, only waiting to complete the social networking site (Connect-365, still in development) and the automated statistical section of Interview-365.
And with this, my time is starting to open up a little. It is very likely that you will be seeing my street interviews once again in the not so distant future (so looking forward to that!!!).
One last mention for today… Thanks for bearing with me in my ceaseless pushing of Interview-365 for the past few weeks. Please forgive me if it feels a bit as if I’m selling something. If it has felt like that, I again apologize. I promise that is not my intent. I just so believe in all of you and know you are doing great things. Thousands of strangers have I spoken with over the last couple of years, and through this experience, I’ve grown to have first hand witness of the goodness, fears, hurts and wants of so many. It is via this literal sharing of personal stories and messages that I have become a better man, and I sincerely hope we have all been uplifted the same in one way or another.
That is why Interview-365 is here– to allow us to learn of, and from, each other. For within this virtual embodiment we become closer citizens of the community we are forming. Not any two of us are the same. That’s what is so empowering in what we are accomplishing. It is through these individual words of wisdom, given to us by the many, where thousands may be able to embrace their similarities, and more importantly, to respect (and perhaps love) their differences.

Well, they are the results of the submissions we’ve received to date. Just wanted to give you a little flavor of where we are at this point of Interview-365.
We’ve heard some great council, and now here are the metrics of where, and from whom, they’ve come from.
You are a remarkable people. It is because of you that I sit up many an evening working to keep us together in expanding our reach and diversity. Call me crazy, but I believe in this stuff.
Thanks for hearing me out my friends.
Good night and talk soon!