“The problem with people today… Things were created to be used… and people were created to be loved. And, we are loving things and using people.
The biggest thing the planet is missing is respect,” Todays new neighbor turned Rachel speaks out.
Rachel is relatively new to California. Who, along with her significant guy and a girlfriend, moved into my neighborhood, only a short two weeks ago.
Often I speak of the importance of getting to know our neighbors, and every time I reach out to those living so close to me, it strengthens my thoughts on the premise of positive attraction. Namely the “Water seeks its own level theory.”
Some refer to the theory solely as an idiom, when in reality it is based on scientific fact: A hose can be used for a water level with hundreds of feet between two points. And as long as two bodies of water are connected somehow, they will be at the same level. As an idiom, it would mean a person tends to seek out people they feel are equal or have the same point of view.
It’s not that my new neighbors and I are clones of perspective; that would be an unrealistic expectation. But what is powerfully apparent in my meeting of Rachel, as well as all those who have engaged with me in this 365 journeys, close neighbors or not, is that fact that there are more people who care about each other than we realize.
This claim I can now support via the testimonials from the hundreds of people I have now approached and interviewed. Most of whom have spoken of desires for a more united planet, or at least communities. And all of whom have bought into the 365 mission of “We are all in this thing together.”

As so eloquently communicated by Rachel, “The problem with people today… Things were created to be used… and people were created to be loved. And, we are loving things and using people.
And with is Rachel trumpets us to action, “The biggest thing the planet is missing is respect.”
“I was raised in a small town in upper New York State, I knew everyone and the whole town respected each other. It’s not like that in Los Angeles, and I miss my friends and family.” Rachel opens up as she describes her childhood.
“My dad was a big disciplinarian, he taught me to treat others with respect and the importance of politeness and manners.”
All traits that are obviously being carried on through the attitude and humanistic perspective that Rachel apparently lives by. She states, “Too many people are terribly rude and ignorant or just doing bad things to each other. I’m not perfect, I’ve even fallen into a few bad habits, but I’m doing my best to be a good person.
We have to simply do nice things for the people around us. For no reason other than it is the right thing to do. It’s all about our approach to life.
I have a hard time understanding where all the negativity comes from.
What would the world be like if we payed it forward and spread the positive?
Life is not about having to prove others wrong. We see that too much in the working world.”
Rachel is part of a unique and courageous group of citizens, able to look at herself and the country that she calls home. Yet, in doing so, she takes stock in looking at current culture with an evaluative mind, “American greed is responsible for many of our problems. Everyone wants something better, and that’s OK. The problem is… that too many Americans will do anything to get it. And when they get what they want, they complain that it is not enough.
This greed is going to drive us to a war with ourselves, a war between the people here in America. For that not to happen we need to find a way to come together as a people and drop the self-entitlement.
America would benefit from some discipline.”
Sure, we have heard many rants on the good old USA. Some are founded in reality, worthy of consideration, while others are merely excuses to justify horrible behavior from those who have no agenda other than to take what they can.
Rachel is on the bright side of the argument and has earned her point of view through her actions. “I served in the military…” she reveals, “…It made me a better person. It should be mandatory that we all serve in the military. If we did, we would have more discipline, and with that… more respect towards each other.”
I’m on the fence with this challenge. And will be the first to confess that I never served, or that I can even come close to understanding the full experience of enlistment.
But luckily, I have had quite a bit of exposure to the armed forces, both throughout my life and throughout my career. In doing so I have interacted with some of the most noble of people as well as some, who I am reluctant to admit, have no respect or compassion for humankind (although I can confidently state that the majority of the modern service men and women are of the highest integrity and character).
And why is it that in an organization of unwavering discipline can there exist a dark side?
Rachel resolves my self-debate in bridging her militaristic stance with a greater priority, “The most important thing in your life is your family,” she expands.
Ah! There is the key point!
In 365 we have met the full gamut of parents: Single mothers and fathers, family dynamics of every demographic, faith and economic situations and countless kids from all sides of the tracks.
The one commonality to all, good life values are regularly instilled by the family unit… no matter what it’s construct and status. Therein lies the reform.
“I don’t believe our society is going to get any better. Too many generations have lost respect and it goes back to the family and it’s values,” Rachel observes.
“It blows me away that twelve-year-old girls are now getting pregnant. When I was twelve, I did not even know what sex was. What is going on in the families that are allowing this to happen?”
Rachel speaks of respect, of discipline, of manners and of politeness. And in her words, I perceive an ambassadorship, a personable outcry that encourages an implied quest of unity in promoting the power of good values; a power that we all have the ability to lean into, or to close our eyes in leaning away from. It’s our choice.
If chosen well, we have limitless strength. Whether we find ourselves in the lap of luxury or in the depths of the darkest circumstances, we can never be stripped of our will. And with that will, might I propose a review.
“Water really does seek its own level,” We addressed.
And with our own personal reservoirs filled correctly, with focus on one another and away from of own greed’s, the genesis is set.
We may feel as if we are alone, but I promise we are not. 365 has revealed a mini matrix of sorts for us to reflect upon. And even though many have spoken of the downfall to come, might we exit today’s entry with Rachel’s words of council:
”What would the world be like if we payed it forward and spread the positive?”
“The most important thing in your life is your family.”
And in a way, we are all family…. Family Human.
Shall we seek the right level?