This morning I am very touched by something Natalie from Austin, TX has written. “I would share about a man who changed my life by giving his that I might live, and his desire that the world would know that hope and love.“
Words that have power to make us look deep into our priorities and evaluate our perspectives towards those we love and the world around us.
I’d be doing a great disservice to write any long form addition to Natalie’s words other than to thank her for inspiring invitation. “I am hoping that through technology we will instead begin building community cross-culturally and begin partnering between countries to better understand and benefit each other and help each other thrive.
Natalie… thanks for joining us in Interview-365… your words have touched us.
Talk soon my friends, Richard
Question One
If you had the stage… the undivided attention of the world… and all were listening… What words of wisdom, council or advice would you share?
“I would share my story, where I have found hope, peace, love, and fulfillment. I would share about a man who changed my life by giving his that I might live, and his desire that the world would know that hope and love. If I had my guitar, I would probably end with a song I wrote called “Hallelujah.”
Question Two
Looking toward the future… as far, or as close as you want to imagine (one year or hundreds of years)– Where do you see the people or the planet … or, what do you think we should be doing now to prepare for the future?
“There are lots of possibilities and most of them seem negative… we could easily become Chinese citizens given our current debt craziness as a country, and we could easily destroy the human race and our planet with nuclear warfare. But I am hoping that through technology we will instead begin building community cross-culturally and begin partnering between countries to better understand and benefit each other and help each other thrive.”