We are still working on reaching our launch goal of 50 Interview-365 contributors, and we need your support to keep this ball rolling. I know, I sound political or maybe a little like a salesman. But I promise I have no hidden agenda… other than the belief that we are truly making a difference to the many.
Operation-365 has enlightened us all. Thank you to the many who have so graciously allowed us to publish their wisdom, experience and photos. Whether it has been though being interviewed by me, or those of you who are now participating in Interview-365, the net result is the same. We’re meeting the faces and hearing the words of the many… and, hopefully are beginning to see the world around us a little differently.
But, my traveling bandwidth is somewhat limited. That is why Interview-365 is very important to what we are doing. We have the opportunity to cross many borders. And it is through your courage to share that you become an active part in moving us forward. Our purpose is pretty straight forward: To connect as many as we can to simply pause in looking outward towards the people around us.
Judy says, “Never forget how connected we all truly are.” Something I have come to witness first hand through the thousands we have met over the last couple of years.
Please remember, no matter who you are, where you live, or whatever your circumstances, what you have to say is very important. For without out you Operation-365, and all that we are doing, would not exist. Let us never forget just how powerful each one of us is in evoking change and growth of perspectives. We are at the base of a wonderful climb. One that can not only entertain and inform, but one that has the potential to awaken a thriving movement of understanding. A movement that in the words of Judy has a universal base of motivation, “Each of us has a little spark of Love at our core,” she quotes.
Have a great week my friends… talk soon!
Question One
If you had the stage… the undivided attention of the world… and all were listening… What words of wisdom, council or advice would you share?
“Never forget how connected we all truly are. The idea that we are separate or different is an illusion. Each of us has a little spark of Love at our core, and it binds us together with all the other little sparks in every other person. We crave connection and belonging, and yet we ignore the most fundamental way in which we are most connected. Lay down the judgments – no one is better or worse. We are all just the same as you.”
Question Two
Looking toward the future… as far, or as close as you want to imagine (one year or hundreds of years)– Where do you see the people or the planet … or, what do you think we should be doing now to prepare for the future?
“Just stop judging.
We are all the same.
The parts of us that want to be unique or different is rooted in insecurity and fear.
Come from a place of Love and recognize our union.”