“Don’t let fear dominate your decisions” – straightforward council you might have heard before, words that are easy to hear, but hard to act on.
Today I run into Allen, a man who has earned the chops to live by the above mantra.
What gives him his perspective? “I will always remember it,” he says. “The night we went to war. I was stationed in Kuwait and was at the center of it all. I heard the scuds coming in and dropped to my knees to pray, asking, ‘Please remove me from fear.’ We all moved! And my prayers were answered. I felt no fear as we hit the bunker. The only concern I had was for the other guys.”
In talking with Allen it is apparent that this for the other guys outlook is to this day core to who he is.
“I was a reconnaissance photographer,” Allen humbly tells me. He does not talk about his missions in detail; but, knowing that the recon guys are first to the front, I can only assume that he has seen it all.
“You have to stay in the moment and look for the next right thing to do.” Allen is all about doing the right thing. He talks about the law of attraction, relating it to a higher power. “I do not preach or promote what I believe, I just do my best to help others, in doing so, good people find me and I find God.”
Allen is concerned for the people of our country. He talks of our greatness and the freedoms we have, but sounds an alarm for the future.
“I worry about the current state of the union. I hate to say it, but I think we are on the midst of a revolution of some kind. People are fed up and to their breaking point.”
Yet even with this dark concern, Allen leaves us this positive affirmation:
“Always remember to give back.”
Allen, Thanks for the call to action!