So far I have received twelve photos. And to those of who have submitted, “A pleasure to meet you!”
Thanks for your courage in sharing, you are making some wonderful statements with your words and photographs.
I’m extending the collaborating further, and have decided to keep the email door open for one more day, in hopes of getting a last push of photos.
This is your time to take part in the 365 message, but, I promise that day after tomorrow, I will get back to my stranger journeys.
I just can’t let go of waiting for your submissions, and something inside me is screaming to allow you a little more time to get your photos in.
My goal is 5o photos. I hope we can better that. It would be truly amazing if we get a good range of friends from around the globe.
So whatever country you reside in, throw me a snap shot. The broader the reach, the stronger the message.
“We are in this thing together.”
Click here to see the original challenge.
or just send your photos to richard@richardradstone.com
(remember, less than 1mb please)