SideWalk Ghosts / Challenge: “Where Do We Live” Reach Out And A Few Photos From Your Friends”

From Sharon: Sydney, Australia

We want to learn more about your world?

Remember a couple of months ago when I announced the “Where Do We Live” reach out.

Our goal is submit at least 25 to 50 submissions, and so far I’ve only received 6. I think that maybe my announcement of it got lost between friend stories, so I’m going to let this sit center stage for a day.

From Stanislaw: Eksjo, Sweden – A view from my kind of porch or main door to my small apartment in a typical wooden house in the town of Eksjö, southern Sweden. Have you heard of Astrid Lindgren and Pippi Longstocking? The region of Smaland, where Eksjö is located, is where Astrid was from and where most of her stories are set.

We have created a global movement and our readership encompasses just about every continent.

Let’s come together on this reach out. It would be so cool to get a cross-section of the cultures where we live.

Simply this, send me a photo, pretty much anything you want, as long as it is within 3 miles of where you live, and is a scenic or place, you can even shoot your home or a room in it.

I’m hoping this will open all of our eyes to real people’s perspectives of the cultures we all live in.

Looking forward to seeing your photos!

One: Size your photo as close as you can to 600pixels by 450pixels (No more than 1 mb file size), and save them as jpgs.
Two: Title your file to include your Country, City, and the Place your photographed as shown in this sample: country_city_place.jpg
A brief sentence telling of your photo.

Email your photo to

From Lyndel: Australia, Murwillumbah, Mt Warning – A prominent feature anywhere in the Tweed Valley. We live in a caldera (extinct volcano) and this mountain is what remains of the plug of the volcano.
From Wendy: Chicago
From Elyse: Boulder, USA, Moon view from Boulder Hill
From Heidi: Prescott, Arizona, USA