It was February 11, 2012 – Day 155 of Project-365 that we met the enchanting Brooke. To this day she has been a constant ambassador to all that we are striving to become as the community of Operation-365. Brooke has never let distance fall between us and is endlessly active in whatever she can do to keep the child in all of us alive. When we first met her, she challenged us to dare to dream and for this, we can be ever thankful. Click here to read her interview and, please take a moment to read below regarding her invitation to a special cause.
“You are invited to join this project! Join LA or start your own!
LA calls for a Happiness Sprinkling! What is a Happiness Sprinkling? Watch this 2 min video to see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAhPcUORmXw
People gather to picket injustice, mourn tragedy, rally for all sorts of causes, and to get drunk and party…why not to sneak surprise ordinary citizens with a little cheer?
Kind words can help heal this world…Be part of a random fun way to spread hope, love and joy!
I am really excited to be part of this project! Participate by passing this on to others! And join the fun in person!
If you live in Los Angeles, join us at the Sherman Oaks Galleria:
Wed. May 15th – 6pm-7:30pm.
MORE details to come… get your yellow shirt ready… let’s have some fun!!!
RSVP to Brooke Harker brooke_harker@hotmail.com with words of enthusiasm & cheer!”
Brooke, thanks for the update. We love what you are doing.
Take care my friends,