I never fully get the opportunity to ask Sandy the two 365 questions, there is just no time for it as the clock begins to turn close to the 4:00pm mark.
It’s been a very eventful day.
6:15am: Load car with luggage.
6:30am: Begin first leg of rush hour traffic.
7:45am: Drop wife and daughter at airport (They are flying to visit my sister-in-law who has had her first baby).
7:48am: Begin second leg of rush hour traffic.
7:50am: Hit zero miles an hour traffic.
7:51am: Begin circle of thought… curse the sky, relax, curse the sky, relax, curse…
8:00am: Lock eyes with stranger in car next to me as she giggles at my talking to myself.
8:01am: Regain composure.
8:30am: Call gym to let them know where I am and to tell class to not kill me.
8:50am: Arrive spinning room to begin teaching my 8:30am class.
8:50am: Beg for forgiveness.
8:50am to 9:50am: Sweat like a peddling dog.
10:00am: Conference call with my producer.
11:00am: Shower (Finally).
12:00pm: Conference call with my producer.
12:45pm: Finally eat (my body is eating itself after high intensity morning bike ride).
1:30pm: Conference call with my producer and our client.
3:00pm: Go to mall to meet friend.
3:30pm: Begin wandering mall.
3:45pm: Meet Sandy (finally get to sit for a relaxed moment with a new friend).
4:00pm: Select and upload photos to blog.
4:15pm: Begin writing while talking to a new friend who is sharing a Wi-Fi seeing table with me.
4:33pm: Oh! That’s now.
Per Sandy, he is gracious, warm personality, seventy-six years young and a man who welcomes me as if in his living room. Our conversation is open and life revealing. Things like marrying his wife after only knowing her for ten days, of their forty-seven years of happy marriage, their three children and of his years of service to his community.
“When I look back on my life…” Sandy reflects, “… I can sleep at night knowing that I have touched a lot of people.” Something that he gives a great deal of acknowledgement to his wife in helping him to become the man he is.
What really strikes me about Sandy is that he takes no glory in his accomplishments. He does not proclaim of any grand power, other than in the admiration and respect he demonstrates in crediting others before himself.
4:40pm: Want to write more about the lessons in humility that Sandy has just taught me. But in not wanting to miss our time stamp, I’ll let him speak for himself.
“’If somebody says hello to you, don’t just say ‘I’m fine.’ That is kind of a cop-out. Nobody is really going to say; ‘I’m not feeling very good today’ are they? But, what I recommend the answer be, ‘I’m grateful.’ That is a very powerful answer.
I’ll always remember my junior high basketball coach. He taught me something that I transferred into different wording when I coached some junior high basketball. I volunteered for seventeen years and I always tried to teach my kids that if they lived by this saying, they would have a good life. That saying, ‘Attitude is the best aptitude in anything that they do.’”
4:50pm: Must upload; talk tomorrow friends, and Sandy… thanks for calming my day.