He goes by the name of D-Rock. And if you guessed a stage name, you are correct.
His story is heard of often. We had a band and went to Los Angeles to seek fame and fortune. A claim that many have made and many have only dreamed of.
For D-Rock… it is a reality. One that after he and his band “Later Days” pooled their tour money from filled auditoriums in the Florida music scene, pulled their home roots in making the exodus the LA.
But more than an amazingly gifted drummer is D-Rock. Unlike the usual artist, he has the mind of an entrepreneur. Don’t misunderstand me; I’m not underselling D-Rocks musical talents. He is a crazy good drummer, check out this campy little video from a House of Blues show.
And for that matter, and absolutely, music has been good to him; winning competition after competition, being featured at some of the must prestigious music festivals and touting a loyal following of a fan base. Yet, even with this, D-Rock is a realist in evaluating his fill of performing successes and band shake-ups. Experiences that in sum whole are the kind of stuff that sucks the very spirit out of many a young musician.
D-Rock and I have grabbed thirty minutes of shade in talking about his transition from the stage to that of a culinary business owner. “I’ve always given one-hundred percent of myself to everything that I do. In high school I was an exceptionally good baseball player. I played second base and made the all-star team every year. Then I got into drumming to deal with the frustrations of playing ball. I excelled in that and my band has done very well. I picked up cooking and became a really good chef. Everyone I know has suggested that I open a restaurant. And now I have found the perfect way to do that.”
Readers, I can’t announce D-Rocks new business venture, I’m sworn to secrecy.
But as charmed as D-Rock’s introduction sounds, he has dealt with the expected series of disillusioning entertainment industry blows, his band has not hit it to the big leagues and has struggled with the dysfunctions resulting from a series of member losses. All of which leaned to D-Rock as the stable one in leading the resolves of all the typical rock and roll issues. In the final analysis, D-Rock has with the maturity of a seasoned CEO, taken stock in following his business mind in leaving the taste of LA band coordinating behind for the time being.
“I’m a musician, will always be. It’s just time for me to take a break and build a different business.” D-Rock summarizes.
Now that you know who D-Rock is, here is what he has to say in regards to 365.
Question One:
If you could give the people of the world any advice, council, or pass on any wisdom, what would you tell them?
“’There are a lot of great things that we learn at a young age that I personally feel that a lot of society loses site of. ‘The Golden Rule’ or ‘Pay It Forward’ for example.
I think that as we grow older and we learn to take on stress and struggles in our daily lives. Trying to make our own lives better, we stop thinking about the people around us. Everything becomes so fast paced and we forget something so simple as the Golden Rule.
‘Treat People the way you want to be treated.’ We get in this mentality of taking short cuts or getting in to the juggling act of life and sometimes we end up making sacrifices or short cuts that are not always good for everyone around.
Sometimes we even hurt others. So in my young twenty-six years I have learned to do my best in being good. Every day we have the opportunity to make choices (another thing we learn very young) and it’s those choices that affect the next.
Every person you meet could be a person that could in some way shape or form change your life. As long as you use the ‘Golden Rule’ you will never ‘Burn a Bridge,’ and you will be rewarded with the opportunity to ‘Pay It Forward.’
I even saw a quote by Richard Branson that he has basically based his Virgin enterprise on, ‘Do Good Business.’ Meaning if you’re going to do business… make sure it’s for good and not for evil.
Find a way to give back.’”
Question Two:
Looking ahead five, ten, fifteen, twenty… even one hundred years and beyond, where do you see the planet, or the people being? Or how, or what, do you advise us regarding the future?
“’Looking ahead… first you have to look back. The time and space between change has become smaller. Now a new apple product comes out every six months or less. I hope for the sake of humanity and the generations to come that not just for the people in our own country, but also for all the people on our tiny blue dot, that we can learn to work together. There is so much on our planet we still have to learn about. And I feel that time is being wasted fighting over it. In one hundred years I think we will be in a better state. Like they say, ‘It gets worse before it gets better.’ I’m hoping we have seen the worst and in the next five, ten, fifteen and twenty years it gets better and we learn to work together!’”
D-Rock has spoken, the lights have dimmed, and the gear is packed. Although the stage is cleared of band, there is still one star remaining to be placed on the Hollywood Boulevard.
And after watching D-Rock’s campy You-Tube, I will make a prediction. D-Rock will be back… And next time he hits the stage, we better watch out. The dude can drum!