I’m going to make today entry quick and simple, it’s my wife’s birthday and after 232 days of co-marriage to 365, I feel it only fair to be as brief as I can in my writing today.
Yet to be too brief would also be unfair to my new friend Casey, whom I meet during a short neighborhood stroll.
In four beats, here is how I meet her.
Beat One: Walk with wife to visit a family friend.
Beat Two: At arrival of friend’s house, take short leave of absence to trek the neighborhood (Got to love my better half’s support of 365)
Beat Three: Approach unknown neighbor as he arrives home (Jeff, not pictured), and although interested in the project, Jeff declines, saying, “Let me get my wife, she will interview with you, ” and disappears into his house.
Beat Four: Upon the decline of Jeff’s wife (got to give here a break, she has just returned home from a fourteen hour work day), family friend Casey, our enthusiastic new friend to 365, emerges out the front door of Jeff’s residence.
The sun is dropping fast and all of us, although engaged in new friendship, are ready to settle into our own personal family time.
Casey is very interested in our mission of uniting a community, and something about her is captivatingly positive.
“What words of wisdom would you like to share with the world?” I ask.
“Can I be short and to the point?” Casey requests.
“Whatever you want to say, there are no rules,” I assure her.
Turns out that Casey is a mother of three and her advice is to that point. “Love your kids… they grow up very fast… you don’t want to miss any of their life.”
I think you will agree that there is not much more I can say to embellish on Casey’s council.
In looking at the future, “The world is in the last days, the Mayan calendar ends December 21, 2012, and I think that will be the end of the world.” Smiling, Casey adds, “That is also my oldest son’s birthday.”
“Are you frightened for what’s to come?” I follow-up.
With a completely relaxed persona Casey easily replies, “Doesn’t bother me, I live my own life and do my best to be positive for all that is to come. There is nothing to worry about.”
In her own words, “Life is too short to be an ***hole.”