Happy almost New Year, or depending on where you are, happy first day of 2012. The past 113 days have been nothing short of miraculous.
365 has grown like a wild fire, and I must express my gratitude to WordPress and the many others of you who have linked, featured, passed on, and signed up for notifications.
We are hundreds strong and seemingly united in a cause, to prove in some way that, “We are all in this thing together.”
And with that sentiment, I am giving us all an opportunity to contribute to 365 this day.
Here is what I need you to help me with.
I got this idea just a few hours ago: “Go photograph 50 people, all holding a piece of paper. On it written one word that they wish to share with the world.”
Even started to shoot a few, but while I searched, my mind just would not clear, and I hit more than my usual quota of rejections. That in itself became a sign to me to re-think my objective.
I took a short break to re-group, and as I did, this thought exploded in my mind, hitting my cranium like a racing freight train. “Reach out to your 365 audience, after all we are making a global statement. Let them help you.”
I’m floored by this inspiration and hope I am not too late to engage your participation.
So here is where you come in.
For the next 6 hours I’m opening my email for your submissions.
What I need are photos of friends, family or anyone you can find, taken ASAP, holding their own written word for the world.
It does not matter what language, how well they can spell or even how great the photography is. Mobil device snap shot are fine.
What does matter is that they are honest words from their heart.
Shoot, pose and light however you want, just make it a horizontal format.
You can see, I’ve posted a few of the people I have photographed to give you a rough idea for framing and composing your photos.
If you can, please email me your shots sized at 600 pixels by 400 pixels, that’s 6 inches by 4 inches at 100dpi. But whatever you email, try to keep it less than 1mb.
Come tomorrow, I will publish all the photos I receive.
I’m hoping this turns out to be an amazing eye opener for us all.
And to all of you, my 365 friends, “May the New Year bring you much happiness and joy.”
I look forward to your photos. The more the better. As I stated at the beginning of 365, “Lets see what happens.”
Here is my email: richard@richardradstone.com.